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Join us for our launch as we partner with Inflatable Fun Park this summer, to give away hundreds of balls

Our Mission:

Let's go! We are on a mission to encourage more children to stay active by participating in sports. That doesn't have to be in a team, or a training session. We are encouraging children to kick a ball around the garden, the local park and at school. There is one thing that they need and one thing only... A BALL! And that is what we are striving to achieve, every child should have a ball. Girls and boys, get out and play with your friends, play with your family or enjoy some time by yourself. So to make this happen we are giving away balls! Hundreds of them! If not thousands a year! For every ball purchased we will be giving away one! You will also find us

Our Location:

We are based in the South East of Melbourne, Australia - but we are excited to work on projects throughout Australia and across the rest of the world. We can send balls to almost every inch of the globe and boy do we intend to! As we progress we'll be looking to offer coaching programs to those less fortunate, not only in rural Australia but throughout the globe. Stay healthy, stay active and remember - we GIVEABALLS!

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